Glossary of Technical terms
Some of the terms we use may be new to you. Here are the definitions of the terms we use in this manual.
Mobile Tool/Handset – It is the cell phone the gB/Mpintshi uses to capture the forms electronically.
Home screen – The first screen a gB sees when he or she switches on the mobile tool. This is also the first screen you, the RPL, will see when you log in to your web portal.
Application – That is the program installed on the mobile tool of the gB. They open the application by clicking on the loveLife logo (which is on the home screen).
Synchronizing… – This is how the application communicates with the servers. When the application synchronizes successfully you will see a green dot at the top of the screen.
Server – This is where all the data captured on the mobile tool is saved.
Data – This is the information the gB/Mpintshi captures on their mobile tool. The data is saved immediately on the three servers and you will have access to the data by using your web portal.
Web Portal – This is the website you, the RPL, use to view the data the gB’s/Mpintshis capture on the mobile tool. The address you need to access your web portal is When you log in with your ID and your unique password, you will only see the data your gB’s/Mpintshis captured.
Login – This is when you type in your ID and password on the web portal and click on “Login”.
Uploading data… - This when the data the gB just captured on the mobile tool, using the loveLife application, is uploaded to the servers. If you, the RPL, click on “New Data Entries” in your web portal, you will see the new form that was uploaded.
Access Points – There should always only be one access point on the gB mobile tool. That access point name (in Internet) should be “nompilo”. If there are more than one access point, you will know your gB removed the sim card of the mobile tool and inserted another one.
Destinations – This is where the access points on the mobile tool is situated.
Support widget – That is the blue rectangle you see on the right hand side of your web portal. Click on this if you have a question you want to ask the GeoMed support desk.
GeoMed – The company that built your web portal and installed the loveLife application on the gB’s phones.
MHEP – Mobile Health Enabling Platform.
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